Wednesday, December 24, 2008

SAP Tables for Enterprise structure

SAP Tables for Enterprise structure

Enterprise structure


FI   T880                             Company

T001                             Company code

CO TKA01                          Controlling area

LO  T001W                          Plant / sales organization

T499S                           Locations

TSPA                            Division

SD  TVKO                           Sales organization / company code

TVTW                           Distribution channel

TVBUR                         Sales office

TVKBT                          Sales office text

TVKGR                         Sales group

TVGRT                          Sales group text

T171T                           Sales district text

MM T001L                           Storage locations

T024E                           Purchasing organization

T3001                           Warehouse number

TVST                            Shipping point

TVLA                            Loading point

TTDS                            Transportation


CO TKA02                          Assign company code to controlling area

LO  T001K                           Assign plant (valuation area) to company code


SD  TVKO                           Sales organization / company code

TVKOV                         Distribution channel / sales organization

TVKOS                         Division to sales organization

TVTA                            Sales aria

TVKBZ                          Sales office to sales area

TVBVK                         Sales group to sales office

TVKWZ                         Plants to sales organization

MM T024E                           Purchasing organization / company code

T024W                          Plant to Purchase organization

T001K                           Link plant ( = valuation area) / company code

TVSWZ                         Shipping point to plant

T320                             Assignment MM Storage Location to WM Warehouse


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